Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nine Months

This little sweetheart is now 9 months old!  Time is flying by.  She is smiley, claps like it's her job and loves to wave.  She definitely loves her mommy, daddy, brother and sister.  And, we sure love her, too!!

I was so proud of keeping up with blog posts.  I now realize I last posted a month ago!  What in the world?  I have a ton of pictures from the past month.  I WILL catch up. :)  I will place partial blame on Instagram.  Now that it's available on my Droid phone, I love it.  So easy and always with me.  Now if blogger would come up with an app... :)  If you'd like to follow my Instagram feed, I am kimberlylach.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

8 months.

8 months old.
cute & smiley.
loves baby food, rice cereal, puffies & cheerios.
starting to finally sit up on that round little booty. :)
rolling all over.
rocks on hands & knees.
waved for the first time last Sunday.
Love this girly!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

rainbow cake.

I baked a rainbow cake with my daycare kids.
Pretty & Yummy.

Even the messy dishes were pretty. :)

Frosted, it didn't look like anything special.

But, when you cut into it...

So fun!
Kids loved it!
Definitely will be doing this again!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Not sleeping well at night = tired baby (and mama!!)

How can she be this big? This is happening too stinkin' fast!!

Dressed up in his sister's play clothes and asked to have his picture taken. I'm sure this will come back to haunt him! :)

My little love bugs!! How lucky can a mama be?!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

dolled up dolly.

cute boots.
flower in her hair

little fashionista. :)

Friday, March 30, 2012


A friend of our family is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. A fundraiser is being held tomorrow night to help out with medical costs and travel expenses. I was asked if I'd be interested in contributing a basket for the silent auction. Of course, I said yes. I decided to come up with something fun and colorful. What could be more fun than a birthday party? I love how my basket turned out and pray the money raised tomorrow will help lift some of the financial burden of Cindy's treatment!

ribbon, balloons, tulle & curly pipe cleaners

I love how the wreath turned out! I think I'll have to make one for myself!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

peaches for me.

Babyfood is going better. :)

peaches = success