Friday, March 27, 2009

We're Having a FLIZZARD!

North Dakota is in the middle of such weather extremes right now. Flooding and blizzarding at the same time. Thankfully the flooding is not in our area. We're sending good thoughts to those people who are at risk of flooding in their homes and businesses. This coming weekend, we are moving the furniture out of our basement to keep it dry if we end up with water in our house. Hopefully the work will be for nothing, but we're trying to be one step ahead.

Andy in front of our house running the snowblower. This is actually the spot where Hudson was jumping in the puddle in the post from yesterday. Gotta love ND weather!!

Andy would toss snow at the window...

...and Hudson thought it was the funniest thing ever! You should have heard him laughing!! Super cute!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Puddle Jumper

Hudson had a ton of fun splashing in the puddles last weekend. He got new Lightning McQueen rain boots that he's pretty excited about. They're a bit big, so he walks kind of like Frankenstein in them, but he gets used to it pretty quickly. :) Since this picture, we've gotten about 8 more inches of snow. I'm sure we'll have plenty more puddles to jump in when spring decides to get here! Hopefully that will be soon!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a MESS!!!

I was getting Hudson ready for bed and the phone rang. I suppose I was on the phone for about 10 minutes. When I came back in the living room, this is what I saw...

Hudson had slathered Desitin from his chin to his knees! The look on his face when I walked in was a mixture of having a great time and realizing he had been caught. All I could do was laugh.

For those of you who haven't cleaned up a mess like this, it takes more scrubbing than you can ever imagine. The water beads up and runs right off!
You can't get mad when he's this cute! However, I will remember to put the lid back on the Desitin next time!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Bounce, Bounce, Bounce

We brought out the "Jumperoo" for Delaney last night. Hard to believe she's big enough to be in it already...seems like Hudson was just bouncing in it! She loves the music, lights and toys. When she focuses in on a toy, she gets such a serious look on her face. Everything is brand new when you're so little!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

We all wore our green to keep from being pinched!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

SpLisH, sPLaSh

My kids love to take a bath! Here are a couple recent shots of them in the tub. Andy usually gives the kids their baths. It was a treat for me to do bath night one night instead of picking up the house and getting ready for the next day during that time.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Grinning Girly!!

Delaney got a new bouncy chair over the weekend. I tried to get a picture of her smiling while bouncing and was not having any luck. Just as I was about to give up, she gave me this B-I-G toothless smile. What a cute, happy girl!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Snug as a Couple Bugs

Andy got the kids up one morning while I was getting ready. He came to get me and this is what I found. Don't they look so snuggly watching cartoons together in Mommy and Daddy's bed? What a nice way to start the day!!!