Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a FUN Weekend!!

The kids and I packed up the van and headed to Powers Lake last Friday. I was a little nervous about traveling alone with both kids, but they were absolute angels! Hudson watched a movie on the way there and slept on the way back. Delaney slept both ways. We stayed 2 nights at my mom's house and had a great time! We went to an anniversary party and my sister's prom. It's work to get everything and everyone ready to go, but it's so worth it. We need to road trip to Grandma's more often! Hopefully we'll be able to bring Daddy along next time! Thanks to Grandma Diane and Auntie Kara for such a fun time!! We love you!

Anniversary Party

We went to my aunt and uncle's 25th Anniversary celebration last Friday. We had a really nice dinner and there was a dance. Hudson had a great time dancing. He shook his little booty until he was exhausted! Hudson is in a wedding the beginning of May. He will have an absolute blast at the dance!

Showing mommy some moves. (Not sure what move the little boy on the floor is doing. :0)

Grandma Diane and Delaney

Kara's Senior Prom

My baby sister had her senior prom last Saturday. Can't believe she'll be graduating in a few short weeks...

Kara and her date. Doesn't she look beautiful??!!!?

We tried to get a picture of Kara with Hudson and Delaney. As you can see, Hudson was not interested in being in the picture. He was checking out the decorations and wanted the balloons.

Well, at least we can see his face on this one. :)

After the grand march, Grandma put Hudson in the stroller and ran up and down the hallway. He loved it. I remember being the one being pushed fast in the cart at the grocery store. My mom is so much fun!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

First Walk Outside

It was finally nice enough to go out for a walk! I put Hudson and the little girl who comes for daycare in the double stroller and Delaney in the carrier pouch. It took 30 minutes to get everyone and everything ready, but it was 100% worth it. We went around the block and up and down our street for almost an hour. Each time we would get near our house, Hudson would say he wanted to go more. Hopefully more nice days are coming our way!!

Delaney all dressed to head outside.

Here I am wearing her. I think she's my cutest accessory! :)

Hudson was extremely anxious to get out for a walk. He danced around the kitchen after he had his sweatshirt and shoes on. He LOVES to spend time outdoors. This summer should be really fun!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Wrestle Mania!!

Andy and Hudson have a ton of fun together doing wild "boy things" like playing basketball, tackle football and wrestling. Their wrestling matches have gotten more interesting now that Andy has developed a new crazy move that Hudson LOVES!

Daddy, wrestle me, please!

Here comes Hudson, Daddy!

We're not sure what to call this move, but maybe "The Broken Shoulder" would be appropriate. :)

Hudson gets such a kick out of seeing Andy's feet flying in the air. He giggles so much he gets the hiccups and gets crazy. After this picture was taken, he tried doing a big jump and did a complete flip over the top of Andy and landed on his back. There were a few tears, but he was okay. I love my wild boys!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Delaney's 1st Cereal

Our pediatrician recommends waiting until babies are 6 months old to feed them cereal. Delaney has been so interested in what we're eating, we decided to go ahead and start her on cereal a couple weeks early. How can you not offer her something when she watches every bite we take when she's near??

First time in the highchair. Ready to eat!!

Daddy gave her the very first bite...

...and she LOVED it!


Mommy took over the feeding for a while.

Took a while to figure out the spoon. She was trying to nurse the cereal off the spoon. Won't be long and she'll be eating like a pro!

Sweet and messy


She looks so tiny and grown up at the same time.

Hudson came in to ask if Delaney had good lunch. He is such a sweet boy! He has one-sided conversations with Delaney often. It's very cute.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


I was vacuuming our living room furniture while Hudson was playing and Delaney was jumping. The sound of the vacuum must have put Delaney to sleep. It looks like she was right in the middle of playing since her rattle is around her arm like a bracelet and her little fingers are still holding the blue elephant. What a tired little punkin!

Monday, April 13, 2009


We visited the Easter Bunny at the mall the week before Easter. Hudson was less than thrilled, in fact, he cried and was scared. I guess I don't blame him...a giant waving bunny is a bit freaky. We ended up taking a family picture since Hudson didn't want to sit alone. Our picture is quite funny...good memories!

Even though Hudson was scared of the Bunny, he had no problem with the thought of him coming to our house to leave baskets. I guess as long as he didn't have to touch him, the Bunny was fine.

The Easter Bunny left baskets for the kids. Hudson got 2 t-shirts, some new cars, candy and 3 new movies. Delaney's basket had 2 summer outfits, a sleeper, baby cereal and 2 movies. The Easter Bunny has always brought movies to my kids. He must have found a good sale this year!! :)

Sweet Delaney with her basket.

Hudson was excited to see the baskets in the living room. He dove in to see what he could find in his baseball basket.

Oooooohh, CANDY!

Delaney's dress had a matching hat. It was cute on her, but covered up her mohawk.

Hudson got upset when he couldn't jump in water puddles in his dress shoes. He cried and flopped down in the mud. Right away, he said, "wipe it off, please" and didn't like being messy. Thankfully, our holiday celebration was over and we were headed home.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Coloring Easter Eggs

Easter Egg Dying ~ April 11, 2009

Hudson was pretty serious about his stirring. I think he cracked most of the eggs his spoon touched, but he had a good time!

Checking out the progress...

Delaney didn't touch any eggs, but she was happy to be included.

Andy made 10 different colors...1 for each egg.

Didn't they turn out beautiful??

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Sweet Babies

I cannot believe how sweet my kids are. I feel like I've known them forever. Andy and I were trying to think of what we did with our time before having kids...we couldn't think of anything! Being a Mommy is my favorite job.

~ Delaney 5 months ~ Hudson 2 yrs. 1 month ~