Monday, June 22, 2009

Vista Alumni Game 6/17/09

Magic City Youth Baseball put on a Vista Alumni baseball game as a fundraiser. They had great weather and quite a crowd came to watch.

Andy and kids in the dugout

Hudson spending time with one of his favorite buddies, his cousin Braden.

Andy catching and his brother Jamie pitching.
Andy was interviewed for the newspaper after the game and said one highlight from this game was catching for his brother since he never was able to play Legion baseball with him. When Jamie was playing Vistas, Andy was about 5 years old.

The next day, Andy was a little sore and had a humongous bruise. He was hit by a pitch. OUCH!! The pitcher was his own nephew...shame on you, Jason!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Long time, No blog.

With the weather being nicer, updating this blog has been bumped off the to-do list. are numerous posts to update you on what we've been up to.

Hudson's 1st Ever T-Ball Game!!

Hudson is officially a t-ball player! Andy started playing t-ball at 18 months, so here is our little boy playing at 27 months. Technically, he shouldn't be playing until he's 5, but when your Aunt is the coach, the rules can be bent some. He seems to be having fun and learning a bit. His games are on Mondays and Wednesdays. Some are right in the middle of nap time, so going to a game without a nap can be tricky! :) We still have times when he will cry or doesn't want to participate, but overall, he's doing really well! I am so proud of him and hope he enjoys this summer!!

Getting ready for his first game.
I call this attitude...others just say he's getting his game face on...

Ready to cheer for her big brother!!
With the team before the game.

Cutest little t-ball player I've ever seen!!

First time in the dugout as a player.

Playing in the outfield...

Emphasis on the PLAY part-He ran circles through most of the inning! :)

Coach/Aunt Trini helping Hudson get straightened
out before his first ever at-bat.

He hit the ball, dropped the bat, and ran!
What a natural!!

SAFE at first!!
...and Delaney fell asleep...

No More Bald Spot!

At this age, Hudson had a round, bald little head. Delaney is just the opposite. She lost very little of her hair and the bald spot she had from lying on her back is filling back in. Looks like we may have pigtails by her first birthday! :)

Zoo Camp

Hudson went to Zoo Camp on June 1st. The toddler camp is for 2-3 year olds, and a parent goes along. Andy took Hudson and had a good time. They read books, did 2 craft projects, ate a snack and looked at bugs and other animals. Each child received a t-shirt, which Hudson calls his Buggy shirt. I'd definitely recommend this for anyone with kids in this age range. There are also camps for older children...

6 Month Check-Up

Delaney had her 6 month check on May 29th. Her doctor was out on leave for a while, so she really was almost 7 months. She weighed in at 16 lbs and 13 oz and was 27 1/2 inches long. That put her in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height.

She also had immunizations at this appointment. One oral liquid and 3 injections. She cried so hard it tired her out. She fell asleep on the way home. Her next check is in the beginning of August.