Thursday, September 24, 2009

Should I be concerned??

A couple nights ago, Hudson asked to wear a barette and bracelets.

Then, he said he needed to dance to beautiful music.

I don't think Daddy thought it was as cute as I did. Just after he started dancing, he took off the bracelets and decided it was time to play football.

Such a funny boy!!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Blog

If anyone is interested, I've started a blog for my daycare.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Goodbye, Summer. :(

Next Tuesday is the first day of Autumn.
Why is it that summer is over so quickly??!!?
Don't get me wrong. I do love many things about Fall, but I know it's just one step closer to snow. I am so not ready for winter!!

Goodbye cute swimsuit with swim diaper peeking out.

Goodbye t-ball games.

Goodbye cold drinks out of the hose.

Goodbye flowers.

Goodbye rides down the twisty slide.

Goodbye walking hand in hand through the zoo.

Goodbye walks in the stroller.
Goodbye Summer, please come back soon!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well, hello there!

Look who was standing today! I went to get Delaney up this morning and was eye-to-eye with her! I was surprised. She was smiling. Our baby is getting so big!