Friday, January 22, 2010

I am the Worst.

I am the worst chocolate chip cookie baker in the history of ever. I don't know what I do wrong, but I end up with dough balls that are crispy on the outside, kinda raw on the inside, and not spread out at all. I used to be able to bake cookies without any problems...I'm not sure what has happened.

Luckily, my assistant doesn't seem to notice.

I guess my taste tester doesn't mind, either.

Any suggestions to improve my baking efforts??

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas Cuties!

I love Christmas morning as a mom. To see the looks on my kids' faces makes it feel like magic! Hudson absolutely LOVED Santa this year. We went to visit him at the mall and Hudson walked right up and asked to sit with him. They had a very nice conversation! :) Delaney on the other hand DISLIKED him very much! She didn't talk to him, she cried at him. Poor baby...

Christmas morning...little sleepy faces coming to see what surprises were left for them.

Santa always left fruit in my stocking, and he is doing the same for my kids. This year, he gave them bananas. He must know they're a favorite at our house! :)

Santa also brought bikes for both the kids! Hudson asked him specifically for a red bike with Lightning McQueen, Chick Hicks and the King. He's pretty lucky Santa was able to fill that very specific request!

Delaney got a cute pink and purple trike with a storage compartment in the back to put her babies and bracelets in. Both of the bikes look big, but I'll bet they'll be the perfect size when the weather gets nicer and we're able to try them outside. For now, they're great for mommy and daddy to push the kids around on them in the living room.

What a nice Christmas! Santa spoiled us!
I have to include these pictures. Grandma Diane gave Hudson his Minnesota Vikings recliner for his 2nd birthday. Now, she gave one to Delaney for Christmas. Aren't they too cute relaxing side by side? Love it!

A little brother/sister bonding while watching Dora. :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

spaghetti is yummy!!

It's good the 1st time you feed it to yourself...

...and the ??th time!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy Holidays!

We hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Our family~Christmas Eve 2009