Sunday, February 21, 2010

I {heart} them!

Three of my favorite people on the planet!! XOXXO

February Fun!

My sweet babies!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Goodbye, highchair.

How can such a little girl have such a big attitude?

This past weekend, Delaney refused to sit in her highchair. The tantrum was one for the record books!



So, we made 2 moves to end the madness...

Hudson moved out of the booster chair and Delaney moved into it.

Now, everyone's smiling and my ears aren't bleeding!! :)

Big boy without the booster!

Very happy girl sitting at the big table!


I got a sewing machine for my birthday in November. I should start calling it my scarf making machine since that's about all I've made. After messing up a bit on one, I was able to shorten it and make a Delaney sized one.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

cute little ponytail :)

Delaney will not leave "pretties" in her hair. I'm lucky to get a quick picture before she pulls them out. Kara put a ponytail in the back of her hair and she left it alone! It looks pretty cute, too!

And, as you can see, Delaney is such a good helper unloading the dishwasher. What a sweet baby!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


A little late, but Happy 19th Birthday, Kara! Hard to believe my baby sister turned 19 on January 24th. When I was 19, she was 8!

Love you, Karabellerinskiolameister!!