Monday, June 28, 2010


I have been making things, I've tried new recipes, my kids have been having adventures, summer is finally here...I have so much to share on my blog! But, every time I try to upload pictures, a box pops up and says there's a problem with my internet and the program shuts everything down. I am beyond frustrated!! :( When this gets resolved, I'll have one heck of a post to catch up!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Potty, too!

Yes, she did!
Almost every time Hudson goes potty, Delaney says, "Potty, too." and sits on our other potty chair. I'd smile and say good job each time she sat there. On June 5th, she insisted on having her diaper off to "potty, too". And, she went!

(I put a diaper back on her before taking
pictures since her shirt was short.)
She's only 19 months old, so I don't think she's really ready.
She sure is interested though! We're not encouraging or discouraging her. Hopefully she'll just work into it and things will go smoothly! So many people say girls are easier than boys...seems like it may be true.
Two kids out of diapers would be so wonderful !$!!$$ :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

If you have little kids,

I would highly recommend buying an "Aquadoodle".
You fill the pens with water.

The special pad turns blue when it gets wet.

My kiddos love it!

Seriously, no mess.