Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a nice Thanksgiving filled with family, fun and food. That's what it's all about! The next morning, I went shopping at 5am. Yes, that's extremely early, however, most of the stores had been open for at least an hour by the time I got there. Some stores opened at midnight and people had been shopping for 5 hours straight...crazy! I pulled into the Target parking lot just as a car right up front was leaving...a lady gave me her cart just as I walked in the door (the carts were all being used!), I got everything on my list...and only waited in line to pay for about 20 minutes. If I were a gambler, I totally should have bought a lottery ticket that day!!! :)

Saturday, I went to Joann's to get ribbon organizers. I had looked at them for a long time, but couldn't pay $25 for each one...$50 to hold ribbons seemed a little much for me! The Saturday Specials at Joann's included the ribbon holders for $8 each! SCORE!!

I know things shouldn't make you happy, but these definitely make me smile. :)

Saturday was also my birthday. 31! I am now officially thirty-something...

Sunday evening, we put up our Christmas tree. Hudson and Delaney were such good helpers! Christmas is starting to have more meaning to them, and they're starting to "get it". Holidays are so great with kids!!

So proud!

A little bottom heavy. :)

This branch sure is beautiful!

A few last touches.

After the kids were asleep, I put up our special ornaments and rearranged the plastic glittery ones the kids put on . They're too darn cute!