Saturday, December 17, 2011

incredible shrinking hippo.

Complete craziness! How can my baby girl be growing this quickly!??

Sylvie ~ 1 month

Sylvie ~ 4 months

Cuter and more smiley every day!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Photo Card

Picture Joy Christmas
Make a statement with personalized Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Pumpkin Butt, Batman and Minnie Mouse
hope you had a Happy Halloween!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

caught one

Finally caught a smile from Sylvie. It's with my phone, so it's not super clear...still cute, though.

Love her!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

hakuna matata

My mother-in-law and I took the kids to "The Lion King". I remember seeing it in the theater when I was younger. My kids had never seen it.

They sure enjoyed the movie. Hudson and Delaney were both 2 years old when they went to their 1st movie in the theater. Sylvie is a little spoiled. She was 5 weeks old at her 1st movie. :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I came across this image today and totally agree with what it says. Andy and I may not travel much, drive expensive vehicles or buy everything we want...and that's okay with us. We have amazing kids.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

happy girl

Little Sylvie is starting to smile!
Daddy has gotten a few little crooked smiles by tickling her.
Today, I got 3 mouth wide open, nose wrinkled up smiles.
She's growing up so quickly!.
Haven't gotten a picture of a smile yet...hopefully soon.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Little Look-a-Likes

Hudson :: March 2007

Delaney :: December 2008

Sylvie :: September 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

once again.

Ok. I am once again caught up with blog posts. I get so irritated with myself for neglecting this, but I continue to slack. I started this blog to document our lives so one day we can look back and remember these crazy, busy times in our life. I know I don't have time to scrapbook now, so this is serving that purpose. Hopefully one day I will have albums full of memories to flip through and laugh, but right now we are busy making memories, changing diapers and doing laundry! :) So, I once again will say that I hope to keep up to date with posting. We'll see...I may be too busy changing diapers.

June 2011

I flew out to visit my mom. We saw so many fun things, ate a lot of yummy food and walked about a million miles! Great time!!

flowers for mommy :)

our 10th wedding anniversary!

July 2011

Cars 2

Scandinavian Park

4th of July

no cavities at our dentist appt!

T-ball season was cut in half this summer because of the flood. Hudson had a great season!

backyard fun

August 2011 :: 1-16

Hudson was old enough to go to Vacation Bible School this year. During their performance, Hudson and another little boy laughed, wrestled and did everything but sing. Stinkers!!

Because of the flood in Minot, we haven't had much of a summer. One Saturday, we drove to Bismarck to go to the zoo. The zebras and gibbon apes from our zoo were there...the kids thought that was neat. We had a fun day!

The observation station for the prairie dogs was cool!!

This picture of Delaney cracks me up!!

Still hard to believe Hudson is going to preschool and will start Kindergarten next fall!