Thursday, May 5, 2011

Singing in Church

Hudson's Sunday School class sang in Church last Sunday. They're all 3-4 years old.

"He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"

"...He's got the itty bitty babies in His hands."

"Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes"

"I am Special"

The cutest little singer. He knew all the words, all the actions and even had time to give Grandpa George a thumbs up. Cutie!

Easter Cards

Hudson & Laney LOVE getting mail!
Grandma Diane and Auntie Kara sent them each cards for Easter.

Grandma Diane sent Delaney a necklace and Hudson got money to buy Mighty Beans. They were thrilled! Thanks, Grandma!!

Easter Weekend

We had such a fun Easter weekend. On Good Friday, we went to the movie "HOP". Cute show for the holiday. The kids enjoyed it.

Saturday, we colored Easter eggs.

Sunday morning, we woke up to Hudson saying, "The Easter Bunny came. Yessss!!" He left such nice treats for both of the kids.

The kids each got a movie, swimsuit, bubbles, small toy, candy and a personalized lunch bag.

Hudson got the movie "Pinocchio".

Delaney got "Tangled".

Dressed for church.

That afternoon, we went to Andy's brothers house for Easter dinner and an egg hunt for the kids. Such good food and fun time with family!

How much candy can I shove into my mouth before mom says something?? :)

Me at 22 weeks.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Little Laker Fans

Andy bought t-shirts for the kids to wear to the baseball games. Andy is the head baseball coach, and the kids and I try to make it to all the home games. We have a good time eating a picnic supper and cheering for the team.