Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Woodard Blanket

This baby blanket is special to my family. My children are the 5th and 6th babies to come home from the hospital with it. The others are my dad, me, my sister Kristin, and my sister Kara. One side of the blanket is blue and the other is pink. I feel lucky to have carried on this tradition twice and hope we will be blessed with more babies to bring home with this blanket in the future.

Hudson David Lach-February 2007

Delaney Faith Lach-November 2008


Ms Mae said...

what a great tradition! I wish we had something like this . . . guess we can try it for the next one ;)

Grammy Ludwig said...

i never knew about that blanket!!! that is wonderful and something my mom would do... i still miss her. hope you got my christmas card and know why your baby gift is late!!! she is beautiful and i am so very proud of you !!! can you get on my blog... send me an e-mail if you want and i will add you... imagrandma6@aol.com
i love you honey.