Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cute Cousins

Tiecyn (about 9 months)
Delaney (about 4 months)

We hope they'll become good friends as they grow up together!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Hudson turns two!!!

Hudson turned two last Tuesday, or should we say TWOsday!! It is hard to believe two years have passed so quickly! He is such a happy boy and adds so much to our lives! We had a family party for him on the Sunday before his actual birthday. He picked a Minnesota Vikings theme. Daddy made turkey and ham for sandwiches, Grandma Diane baked buns, Grandma Kathie made pasta salad and Mommy baked cupcakes. We had a fun day celebrating our sweet little boy!!

A very excited little boy couldn't keep his eyes or hands off the cupcakes. He got his fingers into the one on the bottom right.

Cried when everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him.

Turned the tears off when the cake got near to him.

Blowing out the many girlfriends does my little man have??

Digging in!! Yummy!!!

Opening all his nice presents...

Cool, a cow flashlight!

Hudson LOVES books!

Car cars!!!

Grandma Diane gave Hudson a Vikings recliner. He may not look overly enthused here, but he loves his chair and sits on it snuggled up in a blanket.

A basketball hoop from Mommy & Daddy. Hudson shooting his very first basket!!

Mommy & Delaney watching Hudson open gifts.

This birthday boy was tired out after his fun party!!
Thank you everyone who came and Hudson loves all of his presents! THANKS!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I love this picture of Hudson & Delaney! You can tell they love being brother and sister! Their eyes light up and smiles appear on their tiny faces when they see each other. I hope they continue to grow close and become good friends!!

Hudson and Mommy spent the morning getting haircuts. On our way home, we picked up a heart shaped pizza for lunch.

We had a great day together!!

Enjoying our LOVEly lunch.

Andy sent me a beautiful bouquet of tulips! What a sweet husband!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Delaney's Baptism 1/31/09

Delaney was baptised on January 31, 2009 on her Grandma Kathie's 65th birthday. Her Godparents are her Grandma Diane and her Uncle Jamie. Deacon Steve Streitz performed the baptism. Deacon Steve was a witness at our wedding, led the RCIA program when I became Catholic, baptised Hudson and now baptised Delaney. He has been a part of many of our big days.

Mommy and Grandma Kathie dressing Delaney in the baptismal gown. This white gown has been worn by many, many babies in Andy's family. They have lost count over the years, but believe Delaney is around the 80th baby to be baptised in it. I am so glad my kids can be part of something so special!

Right after being baptised, Delaney looked up at us and gave us a huge smile.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Silly and Smiling!

Here are some smiles to make you smile!