Friday, February 6, 2009

Delaney's Baptism 1/31/09

Delaney was baptised on January 31, 2009 on her Grandma Kathie's 65th birthday. Her Godparents are her Grandma Diane and her Uncle Jamie. Deacon Steve Streitz performed the baptism. Deacon Steve was a witness at our wedding, led the RCIA program when I became Catholic, baptised Hudson and now baptised Delaney. He has been a part of many of our big days.

Mommy and Grandma Kathie dressing Delaney in the baptismal gown. This white gown has been worn by many, many babies in Andy's family. They have lost count over the years, but believe Delaney is around the 80th baby to be baptised in it. I am so glad my kids can be part of something so special!

Right after being baptised, Delaney looked up at us and gave us a huge smile.

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