Sunday, April 19, 2009

Delaney's 1st Cereal

Our pediatrician recommends waiting until babies are 6 months old to feed them cereal. Delaney has been so interested in what we're eating, we decided to go ahead and start her on cereal a couple weeks early. How can you not offer her something when she watches every bite we take when she's near??

First time in the highchair. Ready to eat!!

Daddy gave her the very first bite...

...and she LOVED it!


Mommy took over the feeding for a while.

Took a while to figure out the spoon. She was trying to nurse the cereal off the spoon. Won't be long and she'll be eating like a pro!

Sweet and messy


She looks so tiny and grown up at the same time.

Hudson came in to ask if Delaney had good lunch. He is such a sweet boy! He has one-sided conversations with Delaney often. It's very cute.


Schaefers said...

It sure looks like she enjoyed her cereal!!! How can she possibly be this old already!?!?! What a sweetie!!! :)

Ms Mae said...

What a cutie! I remember when Sophie first ate cereal. She loved it but made a HUGE mess....she is doing much better now, I'm sure it wont be long and Delaney will be eating like a pro!