Monday, April 13, 2009


We visited the Easter Bunny at the mall the week before Easter. Hudson was less than thrilled, in fact, he cried and was scared. I guess I don't blame him...a giant waving bunny is a bit freaky. We ended up taking a family picture since Hudson didn't want to sit alone. Our picture is quite funny...good memories!

Even though Hudson was scared of the Bunny, he had no problem with the thought of him coming to our house to leave baskets. I guess as long as he didn't have to touch him, the Bunny was fine.

The Easter Bunny left baskets for the kids. Hudson got 2 t-shirts, some new cars, candy and 3 new movies. Delaney's basket had 2 summer outfits, a sleeper, baby cereal and 2 movies. The Easter Bunny has always brought movies to my kids. He must have found a good sale this year!! :)

Sweet Delaney with her basket.

Hudson was excited to see the baskets in the living room. He dove in to see what he could find in his baseball basket.

Oooooohh, CANDY!

Delaney's dress had a matching hat. It was cute on her, but covered up her mohawk.

Hudson got upset when he couldn't jump in water puddles in his dress shoes. He cried and flopped down in the mud. Right away, he said, "wipe it off, please" and didn't like being messy. Thankfully, our holiday celebration was over and we were headed home.


Ms Mae said...

cute! I didn't actually take Sophie to see the Easter bunny....what a bad mum I am. Maybe next year. We just ended up being so busy I forgot :P oh well. I love that she got cereal from the Easter bunny. What a nutritional treat

Grammy Ludwig said...