Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What a FUN Weekend!!

The kids and I packed up the van and headed to Powers Lake last Friday. I was a little nervous about traveling alone with both kids, but they were absolute angels! Hudson watched a movie on the way there and slept on the way back. Delaney slept both ways. We stayed 2 nights at my mom's house and had a great time! We went to an anniversary party and my sister's prom. It's work to get everything and everyone ready to go, but it's so worth it. We need to road trip to Grandma's more often! Hopefully we'll be able to bring Daddy along next time! Thanks to Grandma Diane and Auntie Kara for such a fun time!! We love you!


Grammy Ludwig said...

some day when i am healthy i want to make a road trip to diane and karas while you are there...

Brian and Carly said...

Hi Kim! Your kids are so darling. It was fun to look at pictures. I know I'm sort of a long lost cousin, but I would love to get back in touch through blogs. When you get a sec, please email me your email address so I can invite you on my blog!


