Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ready for the Potty??

I am not making a big deal out of potty training with Hudson. I know that once he makes up his mind, he'll by trained in 10 minutes. He didn't walk until he was 16 months old!!! (I was 5 months pregnant and was beginning to wonder how I'd carry him and the new baby around!!!)But, when he finally decided he wanted to, he walked across the entire living room twice and hasn't slowed down since! Such a stubborn little sweetie!

Hudson asked to "sit mine little potty", so I gladly helped him out of his diaper and he sat right down. I thought to myself, "Could this be it?!?!?!?!???"

NOPE! After about 10 seconds, he said he was done and needed to go play. Back in the diaper he went...

So far, he has peed on the floor by his potty 4 times and on the side of the bath tub once. Well, it's a start! :)

1 comment:

Grammy Ludwig said...

aren't they funny. they really have minds of their own... one of the greatest things i remember was only having to buy one size of diapers !!!!!! love you honey.