Sunday, August 30, 2009

Two in the Tub

We ordered a tub seat for Delaney. Now, the kids can take a bath together. They have so much fun splashing and laughing! Bath time is such a fun time at our house! :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Knock, Knock

Last Thursday, I was cleaning up from lunch and all the kids were napping. All of a sudden, there was a knock on my front door. Who on earth would be at my house in the early afternoon?? I went to the door and much to my surprise, it was EMILY!

Emily and I met in the dorms during our freshman year of college. She and I lived in an apartment together up until Andy and I got married. I don't think we ever fought about who drank who's milk, who last bought toilet paper, etc.

Emily and her husband, Brad, were married in March of 2008. They are living in Canada. Her drive back here was 9 hours long!! So, as you would imagine, I didn't expect her!

Had I known she would be visiting, I would have:
1. worn different clothes
2. put on make-up and not thrown my hair into a ponytail
3. not put the kids down for an early nap (even though they were crazy!!)
4. cleaned up a room looked like the Little People were taking over!!
5. ...I could continue on and on...

But, she didn't come to see my house, she came to visit. It was so nice to catch up on what was new and going on. You don't realize how much you've missed someone until they show up out of the blue!

And, she got a tattoo!!! (Which I would never do since I am deathly afraid of needles!)

Love ya, Emily! Hope your drive back went well. I'm sure Brad is glad to have you home! Stop by any time!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

...(I have no words)...

This was lunch one day last weekend. Sometimes you just have to laugh, or you'll probably go crazy. These pictures are proof that our home isn't always filled with sunshine and smiles!! And, I'm sure the kids will really love this when they're older!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy Half Birthday, Hudson!!

Yesterday was Hudson's half birthday. That's right, our little boy is 2 1/2 years old! I can't believe how fast he's growing up. That's half way old enough to go to school, for goodness sakes!!

I have decided to start celebrating my kids' half birthdays. Not like a big party or anything, just a fun supper and cake so they have a day that's special for them.

Also, I had been looking for an excuse to try cake decorating. I had seen pictures of cakes my friends had done, and thought I would give it a go. Hudson is really interested in Spiderman lately, although I'm not sure why since we don't let him watch the cartoon since it's pretty violent for kids his age. Anyway... I bought a Spiderman cake pan and all the decorating stuff at Hobby Lobby.

I don't think I'll be a professional cake decorator any time soon, but Hudson loved it and it made him smile. What more can a mommy ask for??

Monday, August 24, 2009

One Busy Day :)

Summer seriously lasted about 3 days this year! We had such a long winter, I was looking forward to some hot months, but I guess you don't always get what you hope for... On August 11th, we crammed all of summer into one day. Farmer's market, picnic lunch, splash park, steaks on the grill for supper, swimming at the kiddie pool, and Dairy Queen. I think the only thing we missed was the zoo! It was a fun (and exhausting) day for our family. Hopefully we will have more nice days before the snow flies once again!!!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Rice Lake 9/9/09

Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Like a Weed

Delaney had her 9 month check up yesterday.
She weighs 17 lbs 12 oz and is 29.5 inches long.
She is in the 97th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight. According to our pediatrician, that is just fine and she is perfect! She goes back for another check right after her first birthday.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two Tiny Teeth

Delaney has teeth! Her two bottom teeth came through in July. The left on the 9th and the right on the 19th. She is growing up much too quickly!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tradition...oh, well

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fair Fun

We spent one fun evening at the ND State Fair. Hudson had his first fair corndog and loved it! We had the kids drawn as a cartoon and it turned out super cute. Hudson seemed pretty unsure about riding on the kid rides. So, we went to the petting zoo and he rode a horse instead. Each time he'd come around to where I was watching, he yelled out Yee Haw! It made me laugh every time. He is too funny!
The fair is always so expensive and you run into the weirdest people. But, when you look at it as a 2 year old, it is a huge adventure! I just hope Hudson will start enjoying the rides when he gets older so I'll have someone to ride with. Andy doesn't go on rides, so it's been years since I've gone on them. I will keep hoping!