Thursday, October 1, 2009

MSU Homecoming Parade

Minot State had their homecoming on September 26th. We went to the parade that morning. It was a beautiful day! Hudson had fun collecting candy and other fun treats. Delaney even got her own bag and got some goodies to put in it.

Hudson was shown on the news that night. He looked so sweet standing there watching the floats and bands pass by. Can't believe how grown up he is suddenly!

We had such a fun morning!!


Grammy Ludwig said...

you have the cutest family ever!!! i wish i could of seen him on the news!!! i love you honey.

Brian and Carly said...

Fun! I love parades. My family always makes fun of me cause its the first thing on my list Thanksgiving morning...turn on the parade...What a dork I am, but so fun!