Friday, December 10, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a nice Thanksgiving filled with family, fun and food. That's what it's all about! The next morning, I went shopping at 5am. Yes, that's extremely early, however, most of the stores had been open for at least an hour by the time I got there. Some stores opened at midnight and people had been shopping for 5 hours straight...crazy! I pulled into the Target parking lot just as a car right up front was leaving...a lady gave me her cart just as I walked in the door (the carts were all being used!), I got everything on my list...and only waited in line to pay for about 20 minutes. If I were a gambler, I totally should have bought a lottery ticket that day!!! :)

Saturday, I went to Joann's to get ribbon organizers. I had looked at them for a long time, but couldn't pay $25 for each one...$50 to hold ribbons seemed a little much for me! The Saturday Specials at Joann's included the ribbon holders for $8 each! SCORE!!

I know things shouldn't make you happy, but these definitely make me smile. :)

Saturday was also my birthday. 31! I am now officially thirty-something...

Sunday evening, we put up our Christmas tree. Hudson and Delaney were such good helpers! Christmas is starting to have more meaning to them, and they're starting to "get it". Holidays are so great with kids!!

So proud!

A little bottom heavy. :)

This branch sure is beautiful!

A few last touches.

After the kids were asleep, I put up our special ornaments and rearranged the plastic glittery ones the kids put on . They're too darn cute!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Re: 50 Free Christmas Cards

As of today, I still have not received my code for the free cards. Bummer...I was excited to get a deal. :( I ended up ordering super cute cards from yesterday. They have a "Deal of the Day" leading up until Christmas. Yesterdays was 30% off everything on their site plus free shipping. I took advantage of that offer instead. Guess free is too good to be true!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

50 Free Christmas Cards!

Shutterfly is offering 50 free cards to bloggers.
Check out their website for the details!!

I hope to take advantage of this generous offer.
Christmas is just around the corner!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Delaney turns 2!!

Seriously, this seems like yesterday. How can 2 years have passed???!


Now, here we are...November 5th, 2010...our baby girl is 2 years old!!

A huge thanks again to Andy for blowing up the balloons!! :)

We had a little party for Delaney during daycare.

Delaney chose a "Backyardigans" party. We ordered the cutest cake!

Eating with her cousin, Tiecyn. Laney's 5 months to have them so close in age.

The birthday girl was sure spoiled!! Thank you to our family and friends for the thoughtful gifts! She has been playing with all her new toys and I can't wait for her to wear every new outfit! :)

Make a wish!

I found her birthday girl shirt the weekend before when we were in Minnesota. How perfect!! I made her a tutu to match! Such a pretty party princess!!

What a fun day!

The birthday girl in her new Dora pajamas posing with her new Backyardigan stuffed animals. Such a sweetie! We sure couldn't love her more!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Halloween Party

Hudson & Delaney had such a fun time at the Halloween Party with their cousins! Here are a few pictures. I'll need to get some pictures from Grandma. She got some cute ones!

The kids decorated cupcakes and sugar cookies. Delaney piled almost the entire bowl of M&Ms on her cookie. Hudson did a good job with the sprinkles. I'm pretty sure Grandpa is still cleaning up the frosting mess!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't Eat Frank!

My kids are super excited for Gma & Gpa Lach's Halloween party tomorrow! Fun with all their cousins, costumes, pizza, dancing...what could be better??!

Grandma requested all the kids bring a game for the party. I made a cute game called "Don't Eat Frank". I found the idea online and made it my own.

Isn't it cute?

Game board

Game cards

Here's how you play.

*Put a piece of candy on each of the squares on the card.
*Have one person leave the room.
*Someone will choose one of the cards from the envelope. This Halloween character is "FRANK".
*The person can come back into to the room.
*He or she can take the candy from the card until they get to the square that was chosen to be "FRANK".
*As soon as they pick up that piece of candy every will yell, "DON'T EAT FRANK!" and their turn is over.
*Let everyone in the group take a turn.
*Each time they leave the room, a new card is taken from the envelope to choose a new “FRANK”.

I hope it's fun!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10.10.10 :: First Day of Sunday School!

Last Sunday, Hudson started Sunday School! He's in a 3-year-old class with 12 students...eight boys and 4 girls!! To start the class, the teacher asked everyone to say what their name was and tell everyone if they had a pet. Hudson proudly told everyone, "I'm Hudson David Lach. We don't have any pets. I just have a Laney." Way cute! He's very excited to go back next week. Little man is sure growing up!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10.03.10 :: Papa's Pumpkin Patch

We loaded the kids in the van and headed to Bismarck. We had lunch at the Olive Garden...yum! Did a little shopping and spent a couple hours at the pumpkin patch.

The pumpkin launcher was pretty cool!


It was a great family day! The kids were definitely worn out after all the fun!