Monday, March 1, 2010

Hudson is 3!!!

Wednesday, February 24th, our little boy turned 3 years old! I simply cannot believe he is 3! Time is flying by much too quickly!!

Cupcakes I made for my little man's 3rd birthday. Chocolate with cookie dough inside. :) yum!

Cupcakes I made for my niece, who celebrated her birthday with Hudson.

Hudson went to the dentist last December. He told Hudson he needed to get rid of his pacifier on his 3rd birthday. Here's his very last suck.

When he was done, he threw it in the baggie, turned around and said, "That was awesome!". He paid for his swimming party with his paci. That way, it's really gone...not ever to be given back. So far, he's done great and has only asked for it 2 times at bedtime.

Hudson had a swimming party at the Holiday Inn. He requested pizza and cupcakes.
It was a lot of fun!

Delaney was all decked out to swim. She put her toes in the water and screamed. So much for her having fun in the water...
The birthday boy, on the other hand, had an INCREDIBLY FUN NIGHT!!

Some of the basketball girls stopped by to wish Hudson a happy birthday. So nice.


Hudson certainly was spoiled! Thank you everyone for all the nice gifts!! He's enjoying each and every one of them.

Time for singing, candles, and cake...

Everyone else headed home, so Hudson and his friend had the pool all to themselves for almost an hour. What a fun day!!

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