Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I am not prepared

to be the mom of a little boy!!
This is sitting on my kitchen table right now.

Yep, that is a bird skull. YUCK!

Circus 2010

The circus is in town this week. We went on Monday night.

As a kid, the circus seems so magical and exciting. As an adult, it seems so noisy and expensive. One of those things you do for your kids. I did enjoy some of the acts, and the elephants were really good!

Sorry, Earth...

Andy cut down 3 evergreen trees in our backyard on Sunday. We talked about getting rid of them for the entire 5 1/2 years we've been in our house. Now, they were too big to transplant, so we had to cut them down. We felt guilty. They were nice trees, but would have taken over half of our backyard.

I think Andy enjoyed using the chainsaw a little too much!!

2010 Picnic

Saturday, we had our first picnic of the year!
It was gorgeous outside, so we took full advantage!

My favorite kind of dishes! :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Monday, April 19, 2010

Prayer Request

If you are someone who believes in the power of prayer, please pray for my friends Mandy and Curt and their new baby girl. Kassy Lee was born on 4.18.10. Her due date was 8.08.10. She is 1 tiny pound and 8 little ounces! From what I hear, tiny Kassy is a fighter!! Prayer can work wonders!

Thank you!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pink Piggies

I painted Delaney's toenails for the first time today. I had been wanting to for a long time, but thought it would be a big mess. She did really great and loved it! :) We may have tiny girly girl on our hands!

10 pink piggies :)

A little happy dance on her painted little toes.

Three Down...

Delaney's room is checked off my list! I just need to put her new light switch plate up and decide on new knobs for the dresser. That dresser has been used by many babies...me, Kristin, Kara, Hudson and now Delaney. Kristin and I each used it when we were in college. A fresh coat of paint, and it looks brand new.

Sick Little Man :(

It's 1:30am on Friday. Andy and I wake up to the sound of Hudson being sick...yuck! Poor little guy. Friday, he didn't play, laugh, sing...he stayed on the couch all day. Poor baby. Today he is feeling much better. Just hope nobody else catches that bug!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Kara's Prom Encore

My baby sister was invited back to Prom in Powers Lake. Last Saturday, Delaney, Kara and I headed to PL for the big day. She looked beautiful!!

Kara and Cody

Kara's friend Michael, Kara, and my cousin Nathanial

Kara had a fun night. She says this was definitely her last prom! Glad Delaney and I could be there!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Has anyone seen my son??

The Easter Bunny brought "Toy Story" and "Toy Story 2" for my kids. If Hudson had his way, he would spend every minute of every day on my bed watching them. We're already excited for June when "Toy Story 3" comes out. The week after, "Cars 2" will be in the theater! I love having a movie buddy!!! :)

Two down...

Bathroom upstairs is done! I almost hate to admit it, but I had 2 grocery bags of garbage when I was done! The big closet hadn't been gone through in a while. Shame on me...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Happy Easter!

We dyed Easter eggs. Hudson took it very seriously. :)

The Easter Bunny was good to the kids again this year.

Dressed and ready for church.

Easter afternoon, we got together with our Lach side of the family at a hotel for supper and swimming.

You've Got Mail!

My mom sent the kids cards for Easter. They each got their own and loved every minute of opening and reading them.

After Delaney read her card, the shut it and said, "Amen"...cute!

Hudson made confetti out of his envelope! After he read his, he yelled, "The End" and asked to read it again.

Two stamps can bring many smiles!!

One Down...

I've never really believed in "Spring Cleaning". I try to keep my house clean, or as clean as can be with two little ones! We bought our house 5 1/2 years ago, and wondered what to do with all the extra room. Now, the rooms are full of kids!! :) Man, you can accumulate a ton of stuff in five years. I have decided to go through each room and de-junk. It's probably going to take me longer than just spring...wish me luck and thank our garbage men if you see them!!

Hudson's room has been de-junked. Yes, there are a lot of toys, but since I do daycare, I can't really get rid of them. We just deal and try to organize as best we can.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hippity, Hoppity.

Easter's on it's way!

I loved when the grocery store had coloring contests when I was little. One of the grocery stores in town had one for Easter. I brought the sheets home, and was almost as excited as when I'd get to color the page! And, yes, they are in their pajamas...it was a lazy day! :)

My little artists create masterpieces!!

Today, I am trying 4 new recipes...yes, four! The first was chocolate chip pumpkin muffins for breakfast. They were good! I just finished Easter nests to bring for dinner tomorrow. Almost too cute to eat!

Here's the recipe:
1 C peanut butter
1 C chocolate chips
2 Tbsp margarine
melt above until smooth, then pour over
3 C chowmein noodles
drop spoonful onto waxed paper and shape into nest
decorate with small jelly beans or M&Ms
I was lucky to find egg shaped M&Ms. :)