Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm a little nervous.

Don't get me wrong.
I love my daughter with ALL my heart.
But I'm a little scared of what she'll be like as a teenager.
From day one, she's had a TON of spunk and a LOAD of drama!
She goes from one emotion to another with the blink of an eye.

Sweet little stinker!
Wouldn't trade her for the world,
but I think she'll keep us on our toes!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Welcome, Summer!!

We're so glad you're coming to visit soon!
Please bring all your friends.
We've sure missed them...
wagon rides,


flip flops,

If your friends sunburn and mosquitos can't make it, that's okay.
We haven't been missing them! :)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Random Loves...

NBC has a new show this season called "Parenthood".
I love it...
the storyline.
the characters.
the set.
Next week is the season finale, but you could catch up online.

Have you tried Pretzel M&Ms yet?
Salty and Sweet. YUM!

Andy and I have been watching this season of American Idol.
I totally predicted Lee would win about 1/2 way through.
Andy has been a fan of Crystal, and now it's down to those 2.
Guess we'll know the winner next week!

Hudson is loving these drinks.
How can you not want to sit on the potty if you get to drink a Little Hug?? :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mini Me

Saturday afternoon, I gave Delaney and I matching pedicures. It's so fun having a daughter!

Four down...

Got around to de-junking our bedroom over the weekend. The farther I get, the more motivated I become. However, now that the weather is nice, I sure would rather spend time doing something else.

I also put this shelf at the end of the hall. I think photo albums will be stored here.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy 1/2 Birthday, Delaney!

Can't believe this little sweetie is 18 months old!
Love her so much!!

We had Dairy Queen to celebrate the day.
Six more months and she'll be 2.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pee Pee in the Potty!!!

Hudson turned 3 the end of February. He has really not shown any interest in getting rid of his diapers, and we haven't pushed it because we don't want it to be a fight.

Last Thursday night, I put this reward system together for him. Every time he sits on the potty he gets 1 sticker. If he goes in the potty, he gets 2. Once he gets 10 stickers, he gets a prize. For the first one, daddy will take him to buy a new movie!!

Saturday morning, he had 4 stickers.

We read books while he sits. We've read many, many books!! He started asking to sit on the potty now. I think he's warming up to the idea.

SUCCESS!! Sunday afternoon, we had our first pee pee in the potty!!!!!!! I am so proud of him and hope it won't be long until it's a regular thing. We had a dance party in the bathroom, kisses, hugs, high fives and screaming!! :) He was awfully excited! He now has 8 stickers...only 2 to go for the first prize!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I am no longer the worst!

Thanks to my Aunt Barbara's recipe, I am not the worst chocolate chip cookie baker anymore! Yay! Thank you, thank you!! Even my father-in-law called to tell me they were good. :)

My poor little hand mixer and I weren't prepared for how big the batch would be!

First ones out of the oven.

My taste testers gave them 4 thumbs up! :)
I can't decide if I should share the recipe or keep it all to myself and be the choc chip cookie Queen!!