Monday, October 18, 2010

Halloween Party

Hudson & Delaney had such a fun time at the Halloween Party with their cousins! Here are a few pictures. I'll need to get some pictures from Grandma. She got some cute ones!

The kids decorated cupcakes and sugar cookies. Delaney piled almost the entire bowl of M&Ms on her cookie. Hudson did a good job with the sprinkles. I'm pretty sure Grandpa is still cleaning up the frosting mess!!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't Eat Frank!

My kids are super excited for Gma & Gpa Lach's Halloween party tomorrow! Fun with all their cousins, costumes, pizza, dancing...what could be better??!

Grandma requested all the kids bring a game for the party. I made a cute game called "Don't Eat Frank". I found the idea online and made it my own.

Isn't it cute?

Game board

Game cards

Here's how you play.

*Put a piece of candy on each of the squares on the card.
*Have one person leave the room.
*Someone will choose one of the cards from the envelope. This Halloween character is "FRANK".
*The person can come back into to the room.
*He or she can take the candy from the card until they get to the square that was chosen to be "FRANK".
*As soon as they pick up that piece of candy every will yell, "DON'T EAT FRANK!" and their turn is over.
*Let everyone in the group take a turn.
*Each time they leave the room, a new card is taken from the envelope to choose a new “FRANK”.

I hope it's fun!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

10.10.10 :: First Day of Sunday School!

Last Sunday, Hudson started Sunday School! He's in a 3-year-old class with 12 students...eight boys and 4 girls!! To start the class, the teacher asked everyone to say what their name was and tell everyone if they had a pet. Hudson proudly told everyone, "I'm Hudson David Lach. We don't have any pets. I just have a Laney." Way cute! He's very excited to go back next week. Little man is sure growing up!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

10.03.10 :: Papa's Pumpkin Patch

We loaded the kids in the van and headed to Bismarck. We had lunch at the Olive Garden...yum! Did a little shopping and spent a couple hours at the pumpkin patch.

The pumpkin launcher was pretty cool!


It was a great family day! The kids were definitely worn out after all the fun!