Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Delaney turns 2!!

Seriously, this seems like yesterday. How can 2 years have passed???!


Now, here we are...November 5th, 2010...our baby girl is 2 years old!!

A huge thanks again to Andy for blowing up the balloons!! :)

We had a little party for Delaney during daycare.

Delaney chose a "Backyardigans" party. We ordered the cutest cake!

Eating with her cousin, Tiecyn. Laney's 5 months younger...fun to have them so close in age.

The birthday girl was sure spoiled!! Thank you to our family and friends for the thoughtful gifts! She has been playing with all her new toys and I can't wait for her to wear every new outfit! :)

Make a wish!

I found her birthday girl shirt the weekend before when we were in Minnesota. How perfect!! I made her a tutu to match! Such a pretty party princess!!

What a fun day!

The birthday girl in her new Dora pajamas posing with her new Backyardigan stuffed animals. Such a sweetie! We sure couldn't love her more!!


Grammy Ludwig said...

She is darling!!!!! Two is such a great age! Also, I love your hair!!!!!

Brian and Carly said...

She seems like such a sweetie! Love the balloon idea... Going to check this free Christmas card thing out! i could really use some freebie stuff! :)