Monday, April 11, 2011

2.5 children

Andy and I are officially parents of 2.5 children! :)

Today, I am 20 weeks pregnant with Lach baby #3. Half way there!!!

Our ultrasound was scheduled for this morning. AMAZING to see the change from the first ultrasound I had at 10 weeks.

This pregnancy, I don't feel nearly as big as I did with the other kids. I keep trying on my maternity shirts and they're still big on me. This is a curse since I am running out of "normal" clothes that fit, and a blessing to not be gigantic already! Check back with me when I'm waddling around in July...haha!

Once again, we didn't find out the gender of the baby. We like the surprise and anticipation of meeting the little one and discovering who they are when they're in our arms. Won't be long!

1 comment:

Brian and Carly said...

So fun! That's cool that you wait to find out. I'm not that good! I can barely make it to 16 weeks. I bet the next 20 weeks are going to fly!