Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Pictures

We had a "photo shoot" in an attempt to get a great picture for a Christmas card. It was quite a rodeo at times. Hudson was much more interested in kissing on his sister than sitting and smiling. We ended up with some good pictures, some bad ones, and even some that one may consider a bit crazy.

This one of Hudson is just plain crazy....

Delaney was a bit overstimulated. After a while, she wouldn't even look at us.

Please wish us luck for next year. I doubt a 1 year old and almost 3 year old will be much more cooperative. Gotta love my kids!!!

1 comment:

Ms Mae said...

LOL. I know the feeling. We had family pictures done while we were home over TG. Sophie slept through the first part and refused to smile for the rest of it. Oh well. I'm with you and hoping they will go better next year. Love the picture of Hudson giving her a kiss though.