Sunday, November 29, 2009

Okay, I'm Old!

My birthday was the day after Thanksgiving. I got up way too early and went shopping with my mom and sister. I spent the rest of the day at home with my kids, husband, and mom. That night, Andy threw a surprise party for me. I was truely surprised! Spending time with family and friends was a great way to ring in a new decade!

When I was younger, 30 seemed extremely ancient. Now that I'm here, it's really not that bad. I've been married 8 1/2 years, have 2 sweet kids, drive a van and own a home...guess I can't really be 22 anymore!

Andy and Hudson baked me a strawberry cake with chocolate frosting. They decorated the top with an entire bottle of sprinkles and fancy candles. It was delicious!

Thanksgiving 2009

Hope your family had a nice Turkey Day!

We have so many things to be thankful for! When you're raising little ones, it's easy to take things for granted and forget to say thank you for the blessings in your life. This time of year is a gentle reminder to count every small thing and to think of how blessed you really are!

We spent Thanksgiving in Powers Lake with my mom and Kara. We had a nice, relaxing holiday and definitely had plenty to eat!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Elf Yourself

These are probably the funniest things I've seen in a LONG time! In one, we are dancing, and the other we are singing and dancing. You have to try it with your pictures!

Too darn funny!!
Send your own ElfYourself eCards
Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Steps

We've got a walker!!

Friday, November 13, 2009


I was taking a couple pictures of Delaney one afternoon when she woke up with CrAZy bed head! Since she was in her crib and couldn't crawl away from me, I tried to get a video of her winking. Love her tricks! Now, I need to get a video of her newest trick - walking!! As of last weekend, she's a girl on the go! :)

Delaney is One!!

Delaney turned one on November 5th! Can't even begin to describe how fast this year has flown by!! We had her party on the following Saturday. What a fun day!

We ordered her a ladybug cake and it was about the cutest thing I've ever seen. And, it was super yummy! The bakery also made us a small cake for Delaney to dig into. I made a banner for her and ordered balloons. It's not a party if you don't have balloons!! :)

Wow, was our little girl ever spoiled! Thank you so much to all of our family for the nice gifts for Delaney! Baby dolls, clothes, art supplies, ect...she's loving all of them!

Even though the cake was so good, the birthday girl was not a huge fan. She didn't like how the frosting and cake felt on her fingers. When she'd get some on her, she'd wave her hand around until it flew off. She did love the cake, as long as someone fed it to her. I ended up cutting small pieces for her and that was a little better. Nobody should cry while eating birthday cake!!

Still can't believe she's 1!! Delaney is such a blessing. Even though she can be a demanding little turkey and a bit dramatic, we love her so very much! Can't imagine our family without her!


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Favorite Halloween Pictures :)

Hudson got this spider from a grandma of a girl who comes to my daycare. He REALLY enjoyed scaring mommy and daddy with it, and of course, we played it up to amuse him!! :) This picture makes me smile, even though it's a bit creepy!

Our carved pumpkins. Andy and I have carved pumpkins every year since we first were married. The funny face was carved for Delaney since she has 4 teeth right now. Hudson picked out the bat. I carved the third one just so it wouldn't go to waste. Next year, we're only getting 2!

Our family! We took advantage of Halloween being on a Saturday and took the kids to Powers Lake. It was such fun to trick-or-treat at the houses I went to when I was small. We had a lot of fun! And, I think Grandma Diane enjoyed our company. :)

I cannot believe how much candy Hudson and Delaney got in a short time!! I froze everything I could...probably won't run out of treats until next Halloween!!

Pumpkin Carving

We carved two of our pumpkins a couple days before Halloween. I carved a funny face for Delaney and Andy carved a bat for Hudson.

All ready!

Right after this picture, Hudson said, "I don't like guts!" He is so funny! :)

As you can see, Delaney was a bit scared when her pumpkin was next to her. This is the best shot I have. She kept trying to slap it away!

Hudson loved his pumpkin!!

Guess it's okay if it's not too close! :)