Thursday, July 29, 2010

On a Roll.

I had been looking all over for a crayon roll for my kids.
I couldn't find one anywhere. So, I searched the internet and figured out how to make them myself!

"Cars" for Hudson

"Dora" for Delaney

I think I ended up getting a little carried away! They're just so darn cute and easy to make. I made quite a few and brought them to my sister-in-law's salon to sell. I loved each and every one of them.

And, I have more cut out and ready for the machine.
Maybe I'm a little bit addicted! :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wasn't it just May?!??

When I was little, summer seemed endless.
Each day was filled with hours of sunshine and fun.
What happened??

Now, summer is super short and the calendar is so full!

Dentist appointments
Baseball games

I can't believe how fast the months are flying by!
We flip the calendar to August in 4 days!


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Monkey Bread

4 packages refrigerated buttermilk biscuits
1/3 C sugar
2 tsp ground cinnamon, divided
1 C brown sugar
1 stick butter
1 Tbsp Karo syrup

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Melt brown sugar, butter, Karo syrup and 1 tsp of cinnamon on low, stir every minute or so.
Cut biscuits in half and place in large Ziploc bag. Add sugar and 1 tsp cinnamon to bag.
Shake bag until biscuits are coated.
Put coated biscuits into sprayed Bundt pan and drizzle with melted mixture over top.
Bake 30-35 minutes until golden.
Cool 10 minutes and flip onto a plate.

Hudson and I made this for Father's Day breakfast. It was very yummy! When we make it again, I'd only change one thing. When putting everything into the Bundt pan, I would pour the melted mixture throughout the layers of biscuits instead of all on the top.

Monday, July 26, 2010

These little shoes...

How many miles do you think one
little boy puts on a pair of tennis shoes?


I'm sad to see these little Lightning McQueen shoes go.
They were Hudson's first t-ball shoes.
First shoes he spotted on the shelf and wanted.
Stomped around the house watching them light up.
I can't bring myself to put them in the trash yet.

Worn out.

Friday, July 23, 2010

T-Ball 2010

Hudson is playing t-ball for the second summer. Last year, his Aunt was the coach, so he was able to be on the team even though he wasn't old enough to play. This year, he was invited back on the same team even though they had a different coach. We were thrilled that they were willing to include him. In Minot, you're supposed to have completed Kindergarten to play t-ball. Hudson really has a lot of natural athletic abilities and I can't imagine him not playing for 3 more years! (And, no, I'm not just saying that because I'm his mommy!!)

Hudson & his cousin Taylee are on the same team. Fun for them!

A little instruction from Coach. First at-bat of the season!

Hudson has had the opportunity to play so many positions this year! First base, second base, outfield, pitcher... Last game, his little 3 year old face couldn't stop smiling when he got the chance to play catcher!!! Andy was a catcher in high school and college. I wouldn't be surprised if Hudson follows in daddy's shoes!

Hudson (far right) and some teammates waiting for their turn to bat. :) I love the girls in their pink helmets!

And he scores! Giving high fives as he runs back to the dugout.

A quick smile for mom!

Swing, batter!

Cute little #5.

Yes, he slides into home every single time! Even when it's totally not necessary!

Waiting on 3rd...

We feel so lucky to have such a fun little boy who enjoys being part of a team. He takes it quite seriously and loves every minute of playing. A huge thank you to Hudson's coaches...we appreciate them so much!! They are giving him a tremendous opportunity and developing his love for sports. Hopefully we'll be able to continue getting him on a team each summer until he's actually old enough to play! :) He's having a blast! Two games next week and the season comes to an end. Where has this summer gone?!?

Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm back!

Andy found a solution to my internet problem. Still don't know what was wrong, just glad it's fixed!!

The Ice Cream Truck drove through our neighborhood last week. Giant popsicles for each of the kids! They thought they were pretty great.

The "Twilight" part of me can't help but think they're in the Cullen family! :)

I still have many things to post, but I'll get to it later. Busy week at our house! Grandma Diane is coming to stay with the kids for 4 days while Andy is in Minnesota coaching baseball and I'm going to Las Vegas with 6 other Lach ladies! First trip away from the kids for me. I know I'll be a little sad, but will have a great time! Flying out on Friday!