Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm back!

Andy found a solution to my internet problem. Still don't know what was wrong, just glad it's fixed!!

The Ice Cream Truck drove through our neighborhood last week. Giant popsicles for each of the kids! They thought they were pretty great.

The "Twilight" part of me can't help but think they're in the Cullen family! :)

I still have many things to post, but I'll get to it later. Busy week at our house! Grandma Diane is coming to stay with the kids for 4 days while Andy is in Minnesota coaching baseball and I'm going to Las Vegas with 6 other Lach ladies! First trip away from the kids for me. I know I'll be a little sad, but will have a great time! Flying out on Friday!


Brian and Carly said...

I hope you had an awesome get away! Good for you!

Grammy Ludwig said...

So cute!!!!! can't wait to hear all about your trip!!!! Sounds fun! Love you honey.