Monday, September 19, 2011


Love to smooch those cheeks!

Proud big brother

So tiny in the bassinet

Taking a break from playing 'Angry Birds' to draw a picture of them.

Grandpa Jim and his 3 grandkids

Auntie Kristin

Little bandaged heel from having blood drawn.
Jaundice stinks!


Baking cinnamon bread with mommy

Reading to Sylvie after giving her a paci, blankie and a bear.

Who doesn't play Play-Doh in their unders?

Delaney came out of her room wearing panties and decided that day to start using the potty. She's super independent!! Doing pretty well so far.

sisters :)

snuggle bugs

bath time with plenty of help!

1 month old

burrito baby

so sweet

Sylvie Joy