Monday, September 19, 2011

Sylvie Joy Lach :: 8.17.11

We became a family of 5 on Wednesday, August 17th.

This little lady surprised us by being born 12 days before her due date. I took care of 5 kids that day. I called parents to pick them up when I realized it was probably baby day. They were picked up at 3:30pm. I had to pack my bag while having strong contractions. We dropped Hudson & Delaney off at Grandma and Grandpa Lach's house and arrived at the hospital at 4:30. A 5:04pm, we heard Dr. Bozeman say, "It's a girl!". We cut it a bit close this time, but it was nice to not spend the whole day in the delivery room. The nurses kept referring to me as the "drive-by delivery" and I don't think my doctor was 100% joking when he said I should consider living in a tent in the hospital parking lot if we have more children.

1 comment:

Brian and Carly said...

WOW! I cannot get over that! Goodbye to the kids, the next hour you had a new baby!!! EEEEEK! Glad all is well. She sure is gorgeous. Wish we lived close so we could get all these little babies together!