Thursday, May 17, 2012

Nine Months

This little sweetheart is now 9 months old!  Time is flying by.  She is smiley, claps like it's her job and loves to wave.  She definitely loves her mommy, daddy, brother and sister.  And, we sure love her, too!!

I was so proud of keeping up with blog posts.  I now realize I last posted a month ago!  What in the world?  I have a ton of pictures from the past month.  I WILL catch up. :)  I will place partial blame on Instagram.  Now that it's available on my Droid phone, I love it.  So easy and always with me.  Now if blogger would come up with an app... :)  If you'd like to follow my Instagram feed, I am kimberlylach.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

8 months.

8 months old.
cute & smiley.
loves baby food, rice cereal, puffies & cheerios.
starting to finally sit up on that round little booty. :)
rolling all over.
rocks on hands & knees.
waved for the first time last Sunday.
Love this girly!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

rainbow cake.

I baked a rainbow cake with my daycare kids.
Pretty & Yummy.

Even the messy dishes were pretty. :)

Frosted, it didn't look like anything special.

But, when you cut into it...

So fun!
Kids loved it!
Definitely will be doing this again!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Not sleeping well at night = tired baby (and mama!!)

How can she be this big? This is happening too stinkin' fast!!

Dressed up in his sister's play clothes and asked to have his picture taken. I'm sure this will come back to haunt him! :)

My little love bugs!! How lucky can a mama be?!!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

dolled up dolly.

cute boots.
flower in her hair

little fashionista. :)

Friday, March 30, 2012


A friend of our family is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. A fundraiser is being held tomorrow night to help out with medical costs and travel expenses. I was asked if I'd be interested in contributing a basket for the silent auction. Of course, I said yes. I decided to come up with something fun and colorful. What could be more fun than a birthday party? I love how my basket turned out and pray the money raised tomorrow will help lift some of the financial burden of Cindy's treatment!

ribbon, balloons, tulle & curly pipe cleaners

I love how the wreath turned out! I think I'll have to make one for myself!!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

peaches for me.

Babyfood is going better. :)

peaches = success


Hudson continues to LOVE preschool!
He has learned so much and has such a great time.
He can tell you all the sounds each letter makes.
With a little work, I think he will be a reading machine!!

Learning letter S already...almost to Z.
Soon, we'll be saying hello to Kindergarten.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Our little big girl now sits happily in her highchair. Can't stop smiling when I see her watching everything happening in the kitchen. So nice to pull her right up to the table while our family eats supper together.

We were buying babyfood today and decided to buy some puffies. Sylvie loves them! Littlest sister is getting big!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Working on a project.
Something for myself.
Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

seven months.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

How can time go so quickly? Today, I decided to try our little leprechaun in a booster chair. By the look of that smile, I'd say it's time to get the high chair out!

Happy 7 month birthday, sweet baby!!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

all together?

I seem to have no fewer than 10 things on my to-do list at any time. Sometimes, I add things I get done that weren't on the list just so I can actually cross something off it! Drawing a line through something can really give me a feeling of accomplishment! Please tell me you do that, too. :)

I saw this print on a blog and I really hope it's true...a little part of me wonders if every mom has something that gets put on the back burner. Laundry, housework... No one can really do it all. Can they?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

monster cookie dough dip

I keep pinning recipes to Pinterest and rarely think to make them. We had a family birthday, and I decided to try something from my YUM board.

Monster Cookie Dough Dip

8oz cream cheese, softened
1/2 C butter, softened
1 C creamy peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla
1 C powdered sugar
3 Tbsp brown sugar
2 Tbsp flour
1 C oats (regular or quick)
1 C mini plain M&Ms
1 C mini chocolate chips

Mix cream cheese, butter, peanut butter and vanilla until smooth.
Add brown sugar, powdered sugar and flour. Mix well.
Fold in oats, M&Ms and chocolate chips.

Serve with graham crackers or pretzels.

**I used my Kitchen Aid mixer for the whole dip. I would suggest mixing in the oats and chocolate pieces by hand. Mine was so thoroughly mixed, you couldn't even tell there was oatmeal in it.

**I couldn't find mini M&Ms anywhere. I used the larger ones, and it was fine. Small ones would be cute, though. :)

**I tried it with both graham crackers and pretzels. I preferred the pretzels. The dip is so super rich, the pretzels added a little salt.

**This recipe made a TON. If I were making it for my family, I would make 1/2 or even 1/4.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

meet Rex.

Nemo has now joined Stuart and Rock Steady in fishy heaven.
This is Rex.
3rd Beta's a charm, right? :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

fishy funeral.

Rock Steady didn't last long.
Hudson took it incredibly well.
I'm very proud of him!

I can take darn good care of 3 children.
Why can't I keep a fish alive??
Seriously, it's a fish.

this little piggy.

Little Sylvie Lach is not a fan of food.

rice cereal, pears, sweet potatoes...
crazy faces, dramatic gagging...

But, as soon as the spoon is away from her face, she's all smiles.
Little Turkey!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

fishy friends.

The kids had won a goldfish at the carnival at Hudson's school in February. The kids named him Stuart and were quite excited about having a pet. Just as with almost every fish won at a carnival booth, Stuart wasn't around long. So, we went to the pet store last weekend and came home with 2 new family members. Hudson had some birthday money from his aunt & uncle and he decided he wanted a new fish. And, if big brother gets a pet, middle sister can't be left out. We went with 2 Beta fish and have our fingers crossed that they'll live longer than Stuart the goldfish!

Delaney chose a red Beta and named it Nemo.

Hudson decided on a blue Beta and named him Rock Steady.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Hmmm, Pinteresting.

Are you on Pinterest?

It can make nap/rest time fly by! Seriously, log on and an hour passes like it's two minutes! I have found some yummy recipes and great kid ideas, so it's not a total waste, right? I feel so inspired when I find something genious.

Click here if you'd like to check out my boards!

Here are some of my Pinterest favorites so far...

wonton tacos
- they were a hit with the whole family
enchilada casserole - so easy and good! I changed it up a little bit.
pacifier clip - I used this idea as inspiration for a clip I made my niece.
baby bump picture - I passes this idea an to my sister who spelled out my nieces name and held it in front of her pregnant belly. So special....absolutely one of my favorites!!

If you want to join the fun, leave me a comment with your email and I'll try invite you.

Happy Pinning!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hello? Anybody home??

Once again, I'm back! :)

This January, I vowed to become better at documenting our family memories. It is so easy to take pictures, upload them to my computer and end there. I need to be better about printing and sharing pictures. Someday, I want my kids to look back on photo albums, our blog, framed photographs, etc and remember the life we created together. Life being busy is no longer going to be an excuse! Life won't slow down for years!!

I may or may not catch up on all the posts I should have written, but starting today, I hope to do better.

Today, I will begin by giving the blog a facelift. Don't you love the family pictures we had taken? Much too nice to just keep in the computer!!

Happy March!