Monday, March 5, 2012

Hmmm, Pinteresting.

Are you on Pinterest?

It can make nap/rest time fly by! Seriously, log on and an hour passes like it's two minutes! I have found some yummy recipes and great kid ideas, so it's not a total waste, right? I feel so inspired when I find something genious.

Click here if you'd like to check out my boards!

Here are some of my Pinterest favorites so far...

wonton tacos
- they were a hit with the whole family
enchilada casserole - so easy and good! I changed it up a little bit.
pacifier clip - I used this idea as inspiration for a clip I made my niece.
baby bump picture - I passes this idea an to my sister who spelled out my nieces name and held it in front of her pregnant belly. So special....absolutely one of my favorites!!

If you want to join the fun, leave me a comment with your email and I'll try invite you.

Happy Pinning!!

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