Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had such a wonderful and busy Christmas! We opened gifts with our immediate family on the 24th after having a good breakfast together. That afternoon, we went to church with our Lach side of the family. After church, we went to Grandma & Grandpa Lach's house for supper. After everyone ate, the grandkids opened their gifts. Christmas morning, we checked out Hudson & Delaney's gifts from Santa. Then, we packed up and drove to Powers Lake and spent the day with Grandma Diane & Kara. We had a fun day playing Wii, opening presents and had a nice supper. We stayed overnight and headed home on the 26th. That night, we had our adult Christmas with the Lach family. We ate a good meal, exchanged gifts and played games.

We hope you and your family felt as blessed this holiday season as we did. We especially are thankful for our health, our son and daughter, and all of our family members and friends. We feel lucky to be able to spend time with family near to us, and miss those we could only talk to on the telephone.

Christmas can be hectic and crazy, but seeing it through the eyes of our 2 children makes it more magical. I hope we will always be together for the holidays and continue to make memories as a family.

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