Friday, January 16, 2009

More Snow?!!??

Believe it or not, but we've gotten even more snow! You know there's a lot of snow when Wal-Mart has been closed all week because the snow could cave in the flat roof and be dangerous for customers!! Also, one of the strip malls in town has been closed since Wednesday and one of the schools was closed today because of the snow on the roof tops.

Here are new pictures taken today of our house and street to compare to my previous post. It may be hard to tell the difference since it is so white, but we have gotten about 6 more inches of snow since my last post. This coming week is supposed to be nicer, possibly above 32 degrees! I think everyone is looking forward to spring, but is wondering what's going to happen when these big snow banks melt. I know we already have our fingers crossed for a dry basement!!

The snow is up to the top of our fence on the
South side of our backyard.

Down the block

Thank goodness our neighbor blows the
snow from in front of the mailboxes.

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