Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snow, Snow & More Snow

We have gotten more snow this winter than I can remember having in a long time. Definitely our fair share! The snow plows have been doing a pretty good job of removal, but they have made the some of the streets pretty narrow so it's a little tricky driving on some roads. Hopefully spring will decide to hurry up and come early!!

Our house - taken from across the street

When it's time to shovel, Andy has to throw
the snow on top of the piles...not too fun!

The view down the block

Our backyard - Don't you just want to sit in one
of the chairs with a good book and a nice, cold
glass of lemonade??
Our neighbors across the street go to Florida for
the winter season. I'll bet they hope all this snow
melts before they get back for the summer!!

1 comment:

Grammy Ludwig said...

what a cute house you have honey!! i love you!