Monday, September 19, 2011

once again.

Ok. I am once again caught up with blog posts. I get so irritated with myself for neglecting this, but I continue to slack. I started this blog to document our lives so one day we can look back and remember these crazy, busy times in our life. I know I don't have time to scrapbook now, so this is serving that purpose. Hopefully one day I will have albums full of memories to flip through and laugh, but right now we are busy making memories, changing diapers and doing laundry! :) So, I once again will say that I hope to keep up to date with posting. We'll see...I may be too busy changing diapers.


Grammy Ludwig said...

You are so cute and so right!!! I know why we have babies when we are young!!!!! Energy

Grammy Ludwig said...

When I scrolled clear to the end of your posts I saw you cute flasing sign of the B's Be Happy etc. Our prophet President Hinkley wrote that!!! It gave me such a warm feeling. He has passed away but I loved him!!!!